Lil-Ponderosa Poms is owned by Ron & Sherry Cartwright
We are situated on 5 acres in Elk Mound, WI. We came up with our kennel name from
a TV Western show "Bonanza" on which the Cartwright family called their property
"The Ponderosa". Since we are much smaller, the name "Li'l Ponderosa" fits our homestead perfectly

Our updated kennel name is Lil-Ponderosa, which has been Registered with AKC

 Ron brought the first pom home years ago, and it was love at first sight for me as soon as I saw that
little fluff of orange. A decade later I was introduced to dog shows by an elderly friend. It was then that
I also discovered that poms came in "other" colors. Yippie ~ I was in heaven! Of course we can't have
a lot of dogs, so we have chosen to keep our kennel very small while continuing to strive for conforming
to the standard in type and quality as well as color... always putting betterment of the breed first. Working
full time and a busy home life often make it difficult for us to get away to show a lot, but we do enjoy
meeting new people & getting out when we are able. As there have been many life events in our past
that kept us from our goals I feel we are just now beginning. If you happen to see us out & about please
say hello, we'd love to meet you and share our love for the pomeranain. Our fur kids are always happy
to have visitors and if you're ever going to be in the area please call us for an appointment. We would
love to meet you & talk POMS :) For more about our family and poms please check out our Kennel Visit
in the Pom Reader April 2003, page 81-87. For more about our breeding PRACTICES/BELIEFS
you can click on Practices and Beliefs as well as check out our Breeders Forum in the September
issue of the Pom Reader page 76 To our mentors, family & friends who have made it possible
for our humble beginnings with poms  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Drop us a note if you have any comments
"Happy Trails ~ From our house to yours!

Ron & Sherry Cartwright and The Lil-Ponderosa Gang
In the beautiful state of Wisconsin
(Member in good standing of the American Pomeranian Club since 1996)
Member North Star Toy Dog Club, MN

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